How to Chain Phantoms and Flows to Create Automated Sequences

Phantoms and Flows can operate on an individual basis to perform specific actions. You can also chain multiple Phantoms and Flows together to use the output results of one as the input for another Phantom.

This guide will walk you through chaining Phantoms or Flows, step-by-step.

⚠️ Chaining will only work with Phantoms or Flows running on the same platform. For example, chaining a LinkedIn Phantom to an Instagram Phantom is not possible as the output and input data for each is in a different format.

Which Phantoms and Flows can be chained together?

In general, Phantoms or Flows that require a list as an input can be chained with Phantoms or Flows that produce updated lists of leads as their output.

Each Phantom that can be chained to another Phantom will have the "My Phantoms” option in the Your lead source Input section.

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How to chain two Phantoms or Flows using My Phantoms as input

⚠️ Before you can chain Phantoms, you need to launch at least one Phantom that provides a list output. The Scrape leads Phantoms will do this. To find Phantoms that can be then chained, check the Engage with leads Phantoms.

For the purpose of this guide, we'll use the Scrape Leads from LinkedIn company posts Phantom as Input for the Connect and send follow-up messages Flow to chain the Phantom and the Flow.


Here's a step-by-step guide on chaining the Phantom and the Flow together:

💡 You can follow the same process to chain two separate Phantoms. The main difference between Phantoms and Flows is the number of actions each perform and this does not influence weather they can be chained or not.

1. Navigate to the Solutions view in your workspace.
2. Search or Filter to find the Scrape leads from LinkedIn Company Posts or another Phantom you wish to use to generate a list of leads.
3. Click Use Flow to add the Phantom to your workspace.

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4. Click on the Pen icon next to the Phantom name to give the Flow a relevant name.
5. Click Save & Close after following the setup instruction of the Phantom. A green checkmark on each step shown on the left panel will validate the Phantom has all the information needed.

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6. After the Input Phantom is setup, navigate back to the Solutions view in your workspace to add your Output Phantom.
7. Search or Filter to find the Connect and Send Follow-up Messages Flow or another Phantom or Flow that requires a lead list as an input.

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8. Click Use Flow to add the Flow to your workspace.
9. Click on the Pen icon next to the Phantom name to give the Flow a relevant name.
10. On the Profiles to invite tab, click My Phantoms as your lead source.

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11. Use the drop down list to select the Input Phantom you wish to chain to the Flow.

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⚠️ Make sure to select the results.csv file from the drop down.

12. Follow the setup steps and finish setting up the Flow.
13. The LinkedIn Company Post Commented and Liker Scraper Phantom and the Connect and Send Follow-up Messages Flow are now chained.
14. Navigate to your Dashboard to and drag and drop the Flow on top of the Phantom to group them. This step is not mandatory but it will help organize your dashboard better. Launch the Flow and the Phantom using the ON and OFF toggle in each card.

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You can contact Support at any time for additional details on your PhantomBuster workspace.


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