Managing Issues With Your Proxy Setup

If you’re experiencing issues with your external proxy setup, this guide will help you troubleshoot and resolve the most common problems.

Steps to troubleshoot proxy issues

If you encounter the “Can’t connect through this proxy” error, it means your proxy is not working correctly. Follow the steps below to resolve the issue:

1. Verify your proxy configuration

⚠️ Set your proxy's IP to the closest region to your actual geographical location to avoid activity flags on social media.

Using PhantomBuster’s built-in proxy:

Using an external proxy provider:

  • Check the setup instructions on your provider’s FAQ page.
  • For example, if you’re using Bright Data, follow this guide: Bright Data Integration.

2. Test your proxy on your computer

  • Configure your proxy in your computer's network settings (see steps for Mac and Windows below).
  • Use a browser to check if you can access the Internet. If the proxy doesn’t work, the issue is likely with your proxy provider.

How to check your proxy on Mac

1. Open System Settings, and in the search bar, search for the Proxy.
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2. Select the active network connection and then click on Proxies.
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3. Enable the Web proxy (HTTP) in the Proxies tab.
4. Enter your proxy server address, port number and login details.
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5. Click OK to save your changes.


For Windows

1. Open Proxy Settings from the taskbar.
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2. Click Set up under Manual proxy setup.

3. Enter your proxy address and login details.

4. Click Sign In.
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3. Tailor solutions by platform

For Facebook, Google, and Instagram:

  • Verify session cookies
  • If the issue persists:
    1. Check if your proxy location matches your geographical region.
    2. Disable the proxy temporarily to confirm whether it’s the source of the problem.
    3. Submit a support request if unresolved.

For LinkedIn, Twitter, and other platforms:

Proxies aren’t required for these platforms; instead:

1. Ensure your search filters or input data are correctly configured.
2. Disable the proxy temporarily to confirm if the issue persists.


4. Check for VPN conflicts

VPNs can interfere with PhantomBuster’s ability to connect to platforms due to changes in IP addresses or session cookies.

If you rely on a VPN for other tools, disable it temporarily while using PhantomBuster.


Related guides

Set Up a Proxy: When And Why You Should Use One

Understanding Automation Rate Limits Across Social Media Platforms

How to Troubleshoot Phantom Using Logs

How to Solve Cookie Expiration Errors


You can contact Support at any time for additional details on your PhantomBuster workspace.

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