How to Choose The Right Phantom or Flow

This guide will help you choose the right Phantom or Flow for your needs.

What are Phantoms and Flows?

PhantomBuster offers two types of automations: Phantoms and Flows.


A Phantom is a single automated action that helps you achieve a specific goal. It takes input data, processes it (for example, processes an action or scrapes information), and provides an output file with results.



A Flow is a series of multiple automated actions. Each Flow consists of several steps combined to achieve a larger goal.



How to choose the right Phantom or Flow for your needs

Here’s how to explore and choose the best Phantom or Flow to automate your tasks:

Use filters in the Solutions tab to find relevant Phantoms and Flows

  1. To get started, hover over the Solutions tab in the top navigation bar. You can quickly find popular Flows under the Most popular use cases section.
  2. If you need a more specific solution, filter by Strategy (Scrape leads, Enrich data, Engage with leads) or Platform.
  3. For a complete list of available automations, click the All Solutions button.
  4. On the All Solutions page, use the filters on the left to narrow down your options by platform or strategy. The most popular Phantoms and Flows will also be displayed at the top of the page.
💡Click Learn more on any Phantom or Flow card to see a detailed overview of what it does and how to set it up.
💡Click Use Flow to start your automation!

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Learn more about each Phantom and Flow in the overview pages

Each Phantom or Flow has an overview page that explains the input you need to provide and the output you can expect.

  1. To access the overview page, click on the Phantom or Flow card in the Solutions tab, then select Learn more for a detailed description of the automation, setup instructions, and expected results.
  2. The What you give section outlines the input data required, while the What you get section details the output you’ll receive. Each overview also includes a detailed tutorial that guides you through the setup process to ensure everything is configured correctly.

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Related guides 

How To Set Up Your Phantoms and Flows

How to Find and Use Session Cookies

How to Chain Phantoms and Flows to Create Automated Sequences


You can contact Support at any time for additional details on your PhantomBuster workspace.

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