Need to delete your account with PhantomBuster? Reach Support by clicking the "? Support" button in the bottom right of your screen, or send an email to from the email address associated with your account.
Once you contact Support to request your account deletion, you will be asked for a confirmation. Only after Support receives this confirmation from your email address can your account (and all associated data) be deleted.
Please note that once deleted, we will not be able to retrieve any of your documents or data, so make sure to download any results files you may need before reaching us.
If you wish to deactivate your subscription because you're not using it as often as you thought you would remember, you can always cancel it and keep it on a Free Forever plan where you will not be charged.
If you're on our free trial plan when your free trial concludes, you won't incur any charges; instead, you will be automatically switched to the Free Forever plan.
If you think this article does not address your issue, please contact Support directly. We are continuously improving, so your feedback means the world to us!