How to Troubleshoot Phantoms Using Logs

Understanding your Phantom logs can help you quickly identify issues. This guide explains the log structure, key components, and how to interpret the output for troubleshooting.

Accessing and checking Phantom logs

⚠️ If you’re using a Flow, check out How To Troubleshoot Flows And Automation Errors instead.

Logs are your first step when something doesn’t behave as expected. They provide detailed insights into each launch.

To access Phantom’s launch logs:

1. Open your Phantom’s console page.
2. Select the Activity tab to view launch logs and results.
3. Once you access Phantom’s activity tab, you’ll see a status indicator summarizing the outcome of each launch:

  • Green checkmark: Successful launch.
  • ⚠️ Yellow exclamation point: Warnings (e.g., UI blocking, export limits, or URL finder limits). These are cautionary messages, not errors.
  • Red cross: Launch ended with an error and requires troubleshooting, often setup-related.
  • ℹ️ Blue info: Informational messages (e.g., "Input already processed").

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4. Hover over the launch you’re interested in.
5. Click View log to see the detailed output.

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How to navigate and understand a log

Log overview

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1. Log ID: A unique identifier for this specific execution (e.g., `#4732655744849661`).
2. Status: The outcome of the process, such as "Success" or "Error."
3. Timestamps: Shows when the process started, launched, and ended.
4. Process summary

  • Authentication: Confirms a successful connection (e.g., "Connected successfully as [username]").
  • Profiles Found: Number of profiles or items retrieved (e.g., “10 profiles found”).

5. Log navigation: Use the navigation arrows to move between previous and next logs.

  • Older: View the previous log entry.
  • Newer: Navigate to the next log entry.

6. Output Section: The Output section provides the data processed during the Phantom run.

  • Input: The query or link processed.
  • Results per search: Number of profiles processed.
  • Successful connection: Indicates that the Phantom logged in and authenticated.
  • Current action: The Phantom’s current step (e.g., "Processing search...").

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7. Result object: The Result Object summarizes the data processed during the execution. Key components include:

  • Profiles found: Total results retrieved.
  • Processed data: Contains names, URLs, or other extracted details.
  • Errors or skips: Lists any profiles or lines that failed to process.

8. Runtime events: Displays the behind-the-scenes technical details and actions performed by the Phantom during the execution.


What to look for in a log

If your Phantom isn’t performing as expected you’ll find key details to help you pinpoint issues inside the launch log.

  • Error messages: Look for any error codes or descriptions that indicate what went wrong. For common errors and troubleshooting steps, refer to the Errors & Fixes section in our Help center.
  • Incomplete actions: Check if the Phantom stopped before fully completing the task. For example, this might happen if your PhantomBuster account runs out of execution time during the process.


Related guides 

How To Set Up Your Phantoms and Flows

How To Troubleshoot Flows And Automation Errors

How to Solve Cookie Expiration Errors

Errors & Fixes


You can contact Support at any time for additional details on your PhantomBuster workspace.

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