How to Cancel Your PhantomBuster Subscription

Learn how to cancel your PhantomBuster subscription plan and what to expect after cancellation.

How to cancel your subscription

  1. Log in to your PhantomBuster account.
  2. Navigate to the Billing section in your workspace.
  3. On the Billin page, find and click Cancel subscription.
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  4. Follow the prompts to confirm your cancellation.

Be sure to save any necessary data before canceling, as file downloads will be restricted once your subscription is canceled.

What happens after cancellation?

If you cancel partway through a billing period, your subscription will remain active until the end of the current billing cycle.

Once your billing period ends, your account will automatically switch to the Free plan. You’ll retain access to your existing Phantoms, but certain features and resources will be limited, such as unlimited export of data.


Related guides

Billing And Payments FAQ

Finding And Downloading Your Invoices

How To Change Your Existing Subscription Plan


You can contact Support at any time for additional details on your PhantomBuster workspace.

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