This guide will help you configure the Advanced settings of any Phantom to suit your specific needs.
Accessing advanced settings
💡 The Advanced settings allow you to customize your Phantom’s behavior before launching. These settings are optional and can be adjusted based on your goals.
1. Access your PhantomBuster Dashboard.
2. Click on the three dots on the Phantom’s card and select Setup.
3. Navigate to Advanced settings.
Features in advanced settings
- Maximum execution time per launch (minutes): Set how long the Phantom should run per launch, up to a maximum of 300 minutes.
đź’ˇ For example, setting this field "30" will ensure the Phantom stops running after 30 minutes, even if it hasn't completed its task.
- Maximum number of launch retries: Set the number of retries the Phantom can make if it encounters an error during a launch. The limit is 10 retries.
đź’ˇ For example, setting this field to "3" will make the Phantom retry up to 3 times if an error occurs.
Email notifications
Choose to receive email alerts for both successful and unsuccessful launches. Learn more in our guide on managing notifications.
The Phantoms run from the cloud, and connect to your accounts from IP addresses worldwide. Use a proxy to maintain a consistent IP address for your Phantom.
⚠️ Proxies are disabled by default for all Phantoms. You will have to set up a proxy when needed.
Use Webhooks to integrate PhantomBuster with external tools, automate workflows, and receive notifications.
- Slack webhook URL: Enter a Slack-specific webhook URL to send notifications or data to a Slack channel.
- Custom webhook URL: Enter a custom webhook URL for integration with other tools, such as your API or project management systems.
File management
- Combine files: Add new results to an existing file each time the Phantom runs.
đź’ˇ This is the default setting for all Phantoms.
- Delete previous files: Remove previous result files and generate new ones with each launch, reprocessing all inputs.
- Create new files: Generate a new file with the latest results for every launch.
Related guides
Introduction to PhantomBuster Automations
Master PhantomBuster Terms (Glossary)
How to Choose The Right Phantom or Flow
How To Set Up Your Phantoms and Flows
You can contact Support at any time for additional details on your PhantomBuster workspace.