Using PhantomBuster’s API

Follow this guide for step-by-step instructions on using PhantomBuster’s API to automate your actions directly from your app.

How to enable developer features

  1. Navigate to your PhantomBuster Dashboard and sign in.
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  2. Hover over your name in the upper right corner of the page and go to the User settings page.
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  3. Click on Enable developer mode, and then on Save settings.
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  4. You’re all set.


How to create an API key?

  1. Navigate to your PhantomBuster Dashboard and sign in.
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  2. Hover over your name in the upper right corner of the page and go to the Shared or My Workspace settings page.
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  3. Click on API Keys and then on Add API key.
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  4. Copy your API key and save it somewhere secure for future use.
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How to launch a Phantom via API call

⚠️ Before launching Phantoms via API, we recommend testing the automation settings in manual launch.

1. Navigate to the Solutions page and click on Use now to select the Phantom you wish to use.

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2. Fill in all the required settings.

3. After the test, go back to Phantom settings and switch them to JSON.
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4. A visible argument can be used in your API Connector or directly in the - launch endpoint page.

5. To launch a Phantom with specific settings, feed the API call with settings, fill in the corresponding argument, and provide the PhantomBuster API key and the agent (Phantom) ID.

💡You can find the Phantom ID at the end of your Phantom URL.For example, for this URL: - The Phantom ID is yyy.
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6. To launch a Phantom with existing settings, you need to feed the API call request with the agent (Phantom) ID and PhantomBuster API key.

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💡 You can find whole argument under API subpage directly from Phantom console page.

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Code a Phantom

If none of the Phantoms available on the PhantomBuster Solutions page meet your needs, you can find handy instructions on how to code your own Phantom here.


Related guides

Retrieve Your Results Via API

How to Connect PhantomBuster with Make


You can contact Support at any time for additional details on using PhantomBuster’s API.

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