Every subscription plan on PhantomBuster comes with a specific number of Phantom slots, representing the maximum number you can have simultaneously on your Dashboard. The breakdown is as follows: 5 slots for the Starter plan, 15 for the Pro plan, and 50 for the Team plan.
Where to find information on how many slots Phantom or Flow requires?
You can easily check this information in PhantomBuster Catalogue. For every Phantom and Flow available, there's information indicating the space it occupies on your Dashboard. Since a Flow uses multiple Phantoms, it consumes more than one slot. Consequently, for some Flows 2 or ever 3 slots are required.
How many slots do I need - a simple example:
If you want to use PhantomBuster for LinkedIn prospecting from a single LinkedIn account, here is the use case workflow and the relevant Phantoms needed to complete each step:
- Extract search results (LinkedIn Search Export) - 1 slot
- Connect with the profiles (LinkedIn Auto Connect) - 1 slot
- Monitor accepted requests (LinkedIn Connections Export) - 1 slot
- Send a follow-up message (LinkedIn Message Sender) - 1 slot
For this particular workflow, you need 4 Phantom slots in order to use each of the relevant Phantoms.
How to check how many slots I have left?
To check how many slots you have remaining, you'll need to check your Dashboard. In the example below, we can see that the user has access to 50 slots. The Phantoms and Flows they are using have already taken up 38 slots, leaving 12 slots available. Additionally, we can see information indicating that LinkedIn Profile Scraper occupies 1 slot.
Furthermore, you can also view your resources page - here in this article, you will find more information about your resources page and How to to Manage and Organize your Dashboard.
No more room? Free up a slot:
You can delete a Phantom from your Dashboard at any time to free up a slot. Delete the Phantom by clicking the three little dots in the upper right corner of the slot and selecting "Delete."
However, it's important to be careful here: Once a Phantom has been deleted, all of its associated documents and data are deleted along with it, and we are unable to retrieve them. Please make sure, then, to save any desired data before deleting your Phantoms.
If you think this article does not address your issue, please contact Support directly. We are continuously improving, so your feedback means the world to us!